Step By Step

Career aptitude platform to discover your dream job

UX research ▪ Freelance ▪ Contract


How might we help college graduates find a job that they’re passionate about?


Sole UX researcher


  • Competitive analysis
  • Survey design and analysis
  • User interviews
  • Persona


  • Google suite
  • Porsline (a Persian online survey tool)
  • Microsoft office


July 2022 – December 2022

Since I’ve signed an NDA with special clauses, I can’t explicitly share the research deliverables like “Key research insights”, “Empathy map”, “Persona”, and the “Competitive analysis”.

Finding your dream job

Defining the scope

Stakeholders interview

When Step By Step (Career Coaching Institution) hired me, they described the nature of their problem as follows:

“Many people who come to us for career path consult are planning to pursue a career in tech. But the majority of them ask us, “How would I know which career path I should pursue?” “Is this something that I can be successful at?” “What if I become successful at this job but end up hating it?”

What did the stakeholders want?

After the stakeholder interview, I was tasked to do the followings:

  • Exploratory research of the market

  • Analyzing the current user-base

  • Analyzing the current solutions

Problem statement

Many college students finish college feeling lost because they don’t like their field of study, but they also don’t know which career path to pursue. This is a problem because choosing a career that’s not fulfilling, is wasting at least 8 hours of your life on a daily basis without anything in return.

The goal of this project was to to measure the depth and magnitude of this problem among the “Step By Step” clients, a comprehensive assessment of the current solutions to decide if the institution should shift its focus on solving this problem.

Assessing the current solutions

Competitive analysis

Research goals of the competitive analysis

The main goals of market research were:

  • Exploring the current solutions to this problem
  • Making a list of all the solutions that are currently used
  • Analyzing the top competitors to find opportunities


  • Descriptive report of 111 competitors organizing them based on the solutions they’ve provided to this problem

  • Comprehensive analysis the top 10 competitors to assess market opportunities

Top 10 competitors analysis

I presented detailed information about the competitors, including:

  • Business model
  • Market Awareness
  • Search volume (SEMrush)
  • Social media followers and engagement
  • Product breadth
  • Pricing
  • Social media engagement
  • Scientific basis of their services
  • AI and other specialized technologies
  • Direct/indirect
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Threats and opportunities

A part of the top 10 competitors report

Descriptive report

To ensure a comprehensive research, I came up with 4 main research methods:

  • Keyword research
  • Phrase research
  • Review articles
  • Competitors alternatives

The reason for using these methods was to make sure that no competitor stays out of our radar. We wanted to get our hands on all the solutions that are currently used to help people find a career that they’re passionate about.

The first two methods are usually used in SEO research methods. The last two helped us find resources to assess. For example, if we could find the competitors of our competitors, we could expand our research drastically. I wrote a report explaining all the solutions that I had found and a categorization of them.

A part of the descriptive report

User research

Quantitative & Qualitative

Survey to assess the magnitude of the problem

The questionnaire was designed to gather information, including:

  • Demographic data
  • Educational status (high school/college/post-graduation)
  • Employment status (unemployment, working in a job related or unrelated to their degree, working multiple jobs)
  • Education satisfaction (high school/college/post-graduation)
  • Career satisfaction (current or previous job, ideal job, plans for the future)

Research goals of the survey

Since the institution provides career consulting service, we already had some initial findings and assumptions about the user’s problems. The goal of the survey was:

  • Assessing the frequency of the problem among the clients
  • Validating initial assumptions about the target users
  • Finding potential candidates for qualitative research

We received 166 responses.

User interviews

I conducted 10 user interviews with users from the people who had responded to the survey. I wrote down a detailed script to have a semi-structured interview with a unified approach.

I did the interviews with the help of a note-taker. Each interview took about 50 minutes.

Research goals of the interview

Here are the goals of the interview:

  • What are the user main pain points?
  • What does it take to solve those challenges?
  • Who is the main persona in this user segment?
  • What are the habits, interest, fears, and motivations of these user segment?

Research insights


Key research insights

I used affinity mapping to synthesize and analyze the data that I’ve gathered.

I’ve handed in a report containing all the research insights including:

  • The magnitude and depth of this problem among the clients
  • Challenges, motivations, fears, behaviors, solutions, etc.
  • Top priority findings
  • Market solutions that matches the user problems
  • Possible design solutions for the user problems
  • POV statement & HMW questions
  • Potential next steps 


The analysis of user interviews led me to define 3 personas. The stakeholders wanted to know how much different the persona of this product would be from their current buyer persona. I crafted a detailed description of each persona, including the following data:

  • Demographic data (age, gender, location)
  • Education & employment status
  • Current income range (A, B, C)
  • Ideal job description
  • Interests & hobbies
  • Current pain points in their career path
  • Their plan for the future of their career

Final thoughts

The decision was made..

Final decision: Not to do!

From the day one, the stakeholders wanted to know if there’s a market opportunity for solving this problem. After careful consideration of my research results, they’ve decided to postpone the project and not to move forward with their product idea. The reasons for this decision:

  • The frequency of the problem among the clients wasn’t sufficient enough.
  • The financial aspects of the possible solutions wasn’t manageable.
  • The market was a red ocean.
  • The primary persona of this user segment was significantly different from their current buyer persona.

What I’ve learned

The main challenge of this project was that even the stakeholders didn’t know what they want.

I tried to tell a tangible story out of numbers and analytics to help them decide weather to move forward with their product idea or not. That’s why I added the descriptive reports to my tool kit.

Managing the ambiguity of the exploratory research while keeping the stakeholders satisfied was the most important skill that I’ve learned.

At the end of the day, we need stakeholder buy-ins for our research activities and it’s an important skill to master.

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