
Social media app for female solo travelers

UX design ▪ Hackathon ▪ IterateUX


Design a platform for solo travelers to connect with each other, exchange information and find fellow travelers.


UX designer in a team of 4 designers


  • User research report
  • Task flows
  • Sketches
  • UI
  • Prototype


  • Figma
  • Google suite
  • Zoom
  • Discord
  • Notion


August 17 – September 18, 2023


IterateUX Hackathon

Project background


One-month hackathon

IterateUX is a company that holds 1-month hackathons. Participants compete in teams of 4-5 UX designers from all over the world.

All teams were presented with 5 challenge prompts and they could choose whatever prompt that they wanted to work on.

I was lucky to work alongside 3 super talented UX designer on this project.

We won the first place for the best product!

Our product won the first place for the best product among 24 teams and over 100 UX designers around the world!

We received lots of praises from a panel of judges including seasoned UX designers and UX hiring managers.

Challenge prompt

Design a platform for solo travelers to connect with each other, exchange information and find fellow travelers.

Getting a deep understanding of the solo travelers

Research phase


Secondary research

We started by desk research as a cost-effective first step to help us understand where should we dig deeper.

In 2022, 16% of Americans took a solo trip and, in 2023, 25% of Americans ( 83 million people ) are considering taking a solo trip.

84% of solo travelers are women.

59% of female solo travelers would travel alone again in the next 12 months.

Women also face more challenges during their solo travel, especially about their safety.

That’s why after doing the secondary research, we decided to focus our efforts on “Female solo travelers“.

Competitive analysis

We analyzed 6 competitors “Nomadher”, “Hustelworld”, “Travel Buddy”, “Travel Ladies”, ” Find Penguins”, and “Travello” in terms of:

  • SWOT
  • Main user segment
  • Main value proposition
  • Interesting design solutions
  • Business model

Our goal was to find a way to better serve the solo travelers and build a competitive design solution.

User interview with female solo travelers

We conducted 5 user interviews with college-educated and financially independent female solo travelers from different nationalities to get to know their:

  • Story of starting their solo traveling
  • Travel habits
  • Motivations
  • Needs
  • Challenges and frustrations
  • Solutions and tools that they currently use


To validate our initial findings from the user interviews, we sent out a comprehensive survey to get to know the larger audience better.

We received 49 responses.

Synthesize and analyze

Gathering insights

Affinity map

We put all of our findings on the canvas and we started to affinity mapping our findings.
The main categories of the affinity map were:

  • Demographics
  • Travel habits
  • Motivations
  • Challenges
  • Needs
  • Solutions


Based on our research findings, we built one primary persona to build empathy and keeping the user at the center of the design process:

Impact/ Value Matrix

We also prioritize the pain points using an impact/value matrix to help us narrow down our focus to the most important ones:

Designing the solution

defining, ideation & testing


POV statement

As a young woman who likes to travel solo, I need to have access to the most updated information about my destination so that I can plan a safe and affordable trip for myself .

How might we..?

We wrote down 34 HMW questions to help the ideation process based on the POV statement. Here are some of those questions:

  • HMW ensure the validity of the information about the destination?
  • HMW ensure that Jordan would have a fulfilling experience?
  • HMW help Jordan in the emergency safety situation?
  • HMW encourage Jordan to feel empowered while traveling solo?
  • HMW integrate safety alerts, budget-friendly recommendations, and up-to-date travel details for upcoming trips?

Ideating the design solution

We ideated over 20 different ideas and after careful consideration, we chose the final idea based on calculating a score for each idea. These were the acceptance criteria:

  • Does it solve the challenge prompt?
  • How much does it solve the user’s pain points?
  • How much does it address the POV statement?
  • How much is it supported by the research data?
  • Is the design effort of it within the scope of this project?
  • Is it a scalable design solution that can help a huge user base?
  • Does it offer a great value in comparison to other competitors?

A social media app for women-only to share & find safe affordable trip plans.

Up-to-date information

Users would have access directly to the latest information about a destination, by searching for other’s recent experience travelling to that place.


While creating a post, users are asked to rate the safety of the place that they visited. They can see these ratings as tags above each post.


Users would enter the approximate budget that they spent on a trip while creating a post. They can see the budget of each trip as tags above the posts.


Users can choose the language of their choice, the currency that they want to see budget trips with and they can also mark wheelchair friendly paths.

Value proposition

Here’s our value proposition statement:

“We help female solo travelers find safe affordable trip plans by offering a social media app where they can share & find the most updated information about various trip plans.”

Information architecture

We created an IA to map out the whole design.
We wanted to help users achieve their goal by providing structure, consistency, and an easy-to-navigate interface. 

Mid-fidelity design

We started with low-fidelity design and explored various patterns. After lots of discussions and iterations, we designed mid-fi mockups and start the preparation for the usability testing.

Usability testing

We came up with these 2 main tasks to do moderated remote usability testing with 5 of users:

  • Task 1: Explore the app (Onboarding, Preview, Signup/ Login, Home, Explore, My paths, Profile)
  • Task 2: Create a post

Results of the test

We affinity mapped their feedback and discussed the potential iterations.
We prioritized their feedback based on the value/effort of each change.
Here you can see some of the changes that we’ve applied based on the users feedback:


Some icons like save, share and inbox were confusing for the users.


We rearrenged some icons and change some of them to make them more clear.


Users weren’t sure which button to click for advanced search. They also wanted to know about the “nearby paths”.


We combined all the filter icons into one, and we added “Nearby paths”.

High-fidelity mockups


Brand guideline

We created a mood board to choose the color and the feel of the app. We also brainstormed different names for our app.

Avandra is the Greek goddess of travel, adventure and luck. The literal meaning of it is “She who makes the path“.

We checked the compliance of the color palette with WCAG2 and APCA accessibility guidelines.


The idea is a person goes on a trip, comes back, and share the places they visited the way they want. That’s how they create a path for others. They can share their general path, or shopping centers, nature spots, art and museums, etc.

Each post has 4 tags that helps with the most up-to-date information, safety and affordability:

  • Path type (e.g. general, shopping, art & museum, etc.)
  • Safety rating
  • Budget range
  • Trip duration

The incentive for sharing their path like any other social media is getting popularity and recognition from the community of the female solo travelers.


Account verification

Unlike our competitors, we don’t ask users for verification upfront. Users can have limited access to the different parts of the app, and make an informed decision whether or not to go through the verification process. The account verification process includes email registration, uploading an ID and a selfie while holding the ID in hand. This is a safety measure to ensure a women-only community.

Main pages

Viewing a post

Final thoughts


Next steps

We plan to do an unmoderated usability test using an online tool called “Maze”. These are the metrics that we want to measure the success of our solution with:

  • Time per session
  • Time on task
  • Single ease question
  • User satisfaction rate


  • My main role in this project, apart from contributing to the all UX activities, was helping with efficient task management, and implementing the right process for each UX activities. We were supposed to get help from a mentor, but we didn’t receive that help. My teammates told me that I practically filled the role of the mentor for our team.
  • If I had to do this project all over again, I’d probably work on the design system more and I’d discuss a more efficient workflow with the team to create a more consistent UI design. We lost time a bit on not having the same understanding of using UI components.

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